Joshua Tree Engagement


Do you want to hear the real, true story behind this engagement shoot?

We were all running behind on time, we were losing sunlight quicker than expected, it was FREEZING out… so cold that there was full snow here only 6 days later!

What else is true is that my couple wasn’t worried at all. They had SO much fun. They couldn’t believe how gorgeous Joshua Tree was in person AND even came back the next weekend for the snow.

I showed up prepared. I ALWAYS carry backup flashes incase we do lose out on sunlight too early. I have extra blankets for the sessions that get chilly. I even have extra snacks, waters and champagne on hand to pop at the end of your session! Because we doesn’t love a great champagne pop?!

The reason I am sharing this all with you is because no matter what the situation is, I WILL ALWAYS make sure your shoot with me is the best possible experience. I have been through the good, the tough and the hard sessions. All coming out onto and making sure you and your fiancé enjoy yourselves. 

I have this idea that every year as a photographer you get ONE amazing shot of the year… I’m talking that one shot that you just can not get over… of all of my shoots in 2019 that shot for me was taken on my very last session of the year right here (the photo right below). The view, the emotion, the couple! I will cherish this shot for years to come… and possibly print it for my office too! :)

Thankful for my couple and even more thankful for the memories made. THIS is one for the books.